
Система для игры в рулетку A Simple but Effective Even Bet Strategy

To be able to come up ahead with a winning strategy, one does not really have to go into very complex systems. In fact, the simpler the system is, the easier it becomes to apply it, the less chances one has to make mistakes.

We'll discuss a very simple strategy this week and see how one can make up to 50 units within 123 decisions, playing even bets in either Roulette, Baccarat or Craps.

With even bets, we mean bets paying 1:1, such as the Reds/Blacks, High/Lows, Even/Odds in Roulette, Player/Banker in Baccarat and Pass Line/Don't Pass Lines in Craps.

Let's take Reds and Blacks in Roulette for convenience, as they show quite well on an electronic scoreboard. After all, within a sequence of decisions, you will see Reds and Blacks either repeating or alternating. Let's call two successive same decisions a streak and two different decisions a chop.

Our strategy will be either to follow the streak or follow the chop. That's all there is to it. If the streak continues, you will have winning bets. If the chop continues you will have winning bets.

So if the last 2 decisions are the same, bet on the same decision to follow the streak. If the last 2 decisions are different, bet on the opposite of the last decision to follow the chop. If the last 2 decisions are B B, bet on B, if they are R R, bet on R. If they are B R, bet on B. If they are R B, bet on R.

So, if you have a sequence of the nature B B B B R B R B R R R R B R B R, you will see you will have many winning bets, as a streak turns into a chop and vice versa.

The only time this strategy will fail, is when we encounter a so-called 2-2 pattern, of the nature B B R R B B R R, etc., as neither following the streak or the chop will be successful.

Statistics show that quite a few streaks or chops and even the 2-2 pattern tend to continue before they are broken. If we take advantage of this feature, we can quit quite a few sessions ahead.

A 4 step Martingale progression, such as 1, 2, 4, 8 is sufficient. We will follow the streak or the chop for the first 3 steps of the above progression. If you win at any stage of the 3, you gain one unit and start over. If all 3 bets lose, you place the 8 unit bet, but this time not following the streak or the chop, but the 2-2, which is exactly the opposite of what made you lose 3 times in a row. If the 2-2 trend continues with one more step, you win the 8 unit bet, and you terminate that session. But then, you don't place a bet until the next win on paper. You do the same if the 8 unit bet loses. You accept the -15 unit loss and you don't place a bet until the next win on paper.

In order to best illustrate this simple strategy, let's take a look at the following simulation of 124 decisions:

Система для игры в рулетку A Simple but Effective Even Bet Strategy

The above simulation follows the streak and the chop only. So if you see 4 consecutive losses, you should know that the 4th bet was placing the opposite bet and therefore it's a winning bet (the 8 unit bet) and the run is won, although it's indicated with a "L", such as in spin no. 34.

The only time you will have a -15 unit session is if you have 3 losing bets followed by an opposite trend bet, such as in spins 52-55, although the 4th bet is marked with a "W". It's a "W" for following the streaks and chops, but since we were betting the opposite trend on the 4th bet, it really is a loss for us.

Notice also, that after such a run, we don't place a bet until the next win, such as in spins 77-80. Spins 74-77 have 4 consecutive losses, but the 4th loss is a win for us, since we were betting the opposite trend (instead of following the streak or chop, we were betting on 2-2). That run is over with a winning unit, then we don't place a bet until after the first win on paper, that happens in spin 79. We place our bet in spin 80 and we win.

If a zero comes up (spin 104), the bet loses. Just continue the progression looking at the previous 2 decisions for the betting selection.

Дата створення/оновлення: 25.05.2018
