
Help Ukraine and this Website €£Ұ₴$₤

Support Ukraine and This Website

Welcome to our page dedicated to supporting Ukraine and the shram.kiev.ua website. Here, you have the opportunity to contribute to two important causes: aiding the Ukrainian Armed Forces and assisting in the development of our non-commercial website.

In the midst of ongoing conflict, the people of Ukraine continue to defend their independence against the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Your support is crucial in providing resources and aid to those affected by the conflict, including families seeking shelter from bombings and individuals assisting victims of occupation.

Additionally, the shram.kiev.ua website relies on the dedication of its administrators, participants, and supporters to thrive. If you are inspired by our work, we invite you to join our team and contribute to the site's growth. Your donations will go towards server expenses, author payments, and overall site development.

2) Support www.shram.kiev.ua

Помощь сайту € £ Ұ ₴ $ ₤

The website Shram.kiev.ua is non-commercial and exists thanks to the enthusiasm of the administrator, its participants, and friendly helpers.

If you are inspired by what we do, we invite you to participate in the development of the site and join our team.

We are always open to dialogue and grateful for any assistance. Donations will go towards server expenses, payment for authors of interesting articles, and site development.

Ways to Help the Website:

Original Materials. If you are the author of interesting content and would like to share it, we invite you to post it on the pages of the shram.kiev.ua website - in the appropriate section and in the special author's column. The site has high traffic, and many people will learn about your creativity. If you have original articles, lectures, and other interesting materials on any topic that have not been previously published, we invite you to participate in this project.

Copywriter or Rewriter. We need help creating new textual materials on any interesting topic based on existing materials (rewrite). Assistance is also needed in translating texts from English to Russian. Section leaders are welcome.

Information Spread. Spread the word about the shram.kiev.ua website and the materials posted here on the internet and in the real world. Tell your friends about what inspires you. Publish material from the shram.kiev.ua site on another website with a link to the original material. Share materials you liked on social networks or forums.

Designer or Artist who can create images on a specific theme or share drawings of specific themes for placement on the site.

Programmer (PHP/JS) of any level.

Your Option. The above listed types of assistance are what we came up with, so the list is not exhaustive. Surely, you have something to share and something to help with, so if your heart suggests, suggest ;)

Thank you for visiting this page. Perhaps you care about the development of our project. Show your creative abilities and help make this site even more interesting! Join the friendly team that is working on this project, contact us

Financial Support www.shram.kiev.ua

If you have limited time for the listed types of assistance but still want to help, you can make a voluntary financial contribution to cover expenses*.

* The website's team does not appreciate manifestations of parasitic existence in the form of receiving donations. Our team consists of people who independently provide for themselves financially.

Created/Updated: 02.04.2024